Hey everybody, today I show you how you can start working with the Google+ API to analyze Google+ posts with R. We create a personal API key, get our own stats and plot them in a nice looking graph. Get the API Key You can get our API key on the...
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Build your own Twitter Archive and Analyzing Infrastructure with MongoDB, Java and R [Part 2] [Update]
Hello everybody, in my first tutorial I described how you can build your own MongoDB and use a JAVA program to mine Twitter either via the search function and a loop or via the Streaming API. But till now you just have your tweets stores in a...
Build your own Twitter Archive and Analyzing Infrastructure with MongoDB, Java and R [Part 1] [Update]
UPDATE: The JAVA script is now also available with the streaming API. You can find the script on my github account Hey everybody, you sure know the problems which appear when you want to work with the Twitter API. Twitter created a lot of different...
Sentiment Analysis on Twitter with Viralheat and R
Hi there! Some time ago I published a post about doing a sentiment analysis on Twitter. I used two wordlists to do so; one with positive and one with negative words. For the first try of a sentiment analysis it is surely a good way to start but if...